That's a quote I've heard or read from people who have college degrees, either are Republican, or apologists for Republicans. I was a Republican, voted in Republican primaries, but about thirty years ago became aware of the power and influence of the religious right and their wealthy backers. After I retired in 2010 I accelerated research, there's plenty of well documented information available, much of it included in these blogs.
Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin are obvious examples, two people who were elected to office, who have caused a great deal of harm.
Sinema is a bit confusing, she was originally a Green Party candidate, ran for and won her seat as a Democrat. although she is now "independent". I suspect she's just a grifter, after money, as evidenced by the campaign donations she's accumulated. She'll never be elected again.
Manchin is simple, he's a coal millionaire, made a fortune, is still receiving several $hundred thousand in dividends every year, and a theocon anti-abortion Catholic.
If you ever want to see who buys what candidates and their votes, go to
Robert F. Kennedy Jr is a Democrat, and he's running for president in 2024. He's one of twelve people identified as the major spreaders of COVID and vaccine disinformation. Trump is well above all of them. The Koch machine isn't on that list, but they've been involved.
According to the CDC, total reported U.S. COVID deaths as of August 5 were 1,137,057. We know that many deaths were not reported as due to COVID. On October 12, 2021 Dr. Deborah Birx, Trump's COVID director, testified to congress that 30-40% of deaths could have been avoided. Trump, his administration, and governors failed to limit those deaths.
"As bad"
Honesty and integrity: Most people have and probably will say things that are untrue. In any conflict or dispute it's necessary to determine who's telling the truth or lying, and why.
President Obama was awarded "lie of the year" for "you can keep your doctor". He had to have known that the ACA would have little to do about health insurance companies denying people care or selection of doctors. Why the "lie"? He believed as most Americans do that we should all have adequate healthcare. The U.S. is the only developed country in the entire world that doesn't have some form of universal healthcare, yet our per capita costs are more than twice that of EU countries, and we rank dead last in the top twelve in quality of healthcare and results.
According to several studies, most people tell lies occasionally, some often, for a number of reasons.
Trump is a malignant narcissistic pathologically lying con man. We know he's a liar, his followers and Republican politicians know he's a liar, and we know many of them are liars.
There are still honest and honorable Republicans, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were two of ten Republicans in the House that voted to impeach Trump, as did seven senators.
This report was published in Feb 2022, data gathered in 2021. I wasn't surprised that 25% of Republicans believe in some of the primary tenets of QAnon, disappointed that so do 14% of independents and 9% of Democrats.
No one knows for sure the identity of the original Q, but it seems to have been taken over by an American man and his son in the Philippines. The father has/had a Japanese porn site and runs a pig farm.
This is the best analysis I found on the core tenets of QAnon.
To be continued.
Voting rights:
Women's healthcare:
Wealth and income inequality:
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid: