I’m not a theologian, have no formal education in theology, but it seems to me that Jesus was the most radical progressive in Judeo-Christian history. He was a dark skinned Semite, an orthodox Jew who asked his followers to give up wealth, care for the hungry and sick, love and welcome all.
John 13
34I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. 35By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’
He said nothing to encourage or justify discrimination against or demonization of people due to race, skin color, ethnicity, citizenship, gender, gender identity, or immigration status.
Jesus threatened the power and wealth of the religious leaders of His time and their alliance with the Roman government. That’s why they conspired for and demanded His crucifixion. They had a mob behind them.
The IRD was founded in 1981. It’s purpose was to combat communism and progressive Christianity. The Methodist church and others were accused of providing aid to communist rebels in Central America.
There were and still are other organizations. The Forum for Scriptural Christianity was created in 1967, DBA Good News Magazine. The Confessing Movement had organizations in Episcopal, Presbyterian and Methodist Churches. The WCA is the latest, founded in 2016.
Funding came from some of the same people who provided funds to other religious right organizations. Richard Mellon Scaife was a major supporter.
Methodist professor Andrew Weaver wrote about the IRD, retired bishop Kenneth Carder was included in this video.
UCC pastor Chuck Currie has written on the subject.
The first link below is to a comprehensive article on the IRD, but it omits some important people. Methodist pastor Edmund Robb Jr was involved, and Catholic George Weigel. The latter was a fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a Koch and friends financed “conservative think tank”. Michael Novak was a scholar with the Koch funded American Enterprise Institute.
Until recently Janice Crouse was IRD board chair. Her daughter is Charmaine Yoest, former president of one of the largest anti-abortion groups in the country, appointed by Trump to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Both were involved with Beverly LaHaye’s Concerned Women for America, and the World Congress of Families.