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Shining Light on Deceit and Ignorance

We live in a complex world. This is my effort in trying to understand and explain it from my perspectives. I hope to inform, educate, and motivate others.


For what did you vote?

Chapter One In November 1968 I was 19, going to college at Wichita State U., working at Boeing second shift, making about $500/mo, that...

“There are Democrats as bad as Republicans”

That's a quote I've heard or read from people who have college degrees, either are Republican, or apologists for Republicans. I was a...

What is Evil?

What is Evil? First, what is good? I think we understand it as helping others. Every major religion of which I'm aware has some common...

Income and Personal Finance for Teens

Long ago I delivered newspapers seven days a week, earning about $200/wk in today’s dollars. I mowed a few lawns, washed cars, painted a...

Be an Achiever

Gasoline Prices, Petroleum Products and Crude Oil

Facts are important, especially given the use of lies and propaganda used to gain political power and to increase wealth for already...

Russia and China, a New World Order, and Ukraine

As I’m sure you all know, Putin launched attacks against Ukraine, with the stated goal of “demilitarizing” the country, and “protect”...

The Decline and Fall of the United States

The founding fathers who wrote our Constitution created a federal republic, a nation of laws, with the Constitution the bedrock of those...

Destroying Public Education

Last update June 26, 2023 The U.S. has some of the finest teachers, professors, public schools and universities in the world. An annual...

Separation of Church and State

Our founding fathers enshrined the separation of church and state in our Constitution for good reasons. Many of them were deists,...



500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158


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